Bring a youthful glow to your face

Its convenience and impressive outcomes make it an enticing option for those seeking to revitalize their appearance without the commitment of surgical interventions. Let the Goldfingers Aesthetics & Plastic Surgery team in Mount Dora help you age gracefully. We offer super-competitive prices for BOTOX, with injections performed by Specialist Aesthetic Injectors.

What is BOTOX?

The origins of BOTOX may raise a few eyebrows, given that it is derived from a toxin, but its application in the world of cosmetic medicine is nothing short of groundbreaking. When skillfully injected into targeted muscles, BOTOX acts as a neuromodulator, temporarily blocking nerve signals responsible for muscle contractions. This, in turn, reduces the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines, offering a smoother and more youthful complexion.

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What should I expect?

During your BOTOX procedure, a series of small injections will be administered in strategic areas, carefully chosen to address your concerns while preserving your natural facial expressions. The procedure itself is fast and convenient, often lasting anywhere from 15 to 30 minutes, making it an ideal option for those with busy schedules.

While some changes might be noticeable within a few days, the full results typically manifest over the course of one to two weeks. As the neuromodulator begins to take effect and muscles gradually relax, your skin will appear smoother and more youthful, enhancing your overall facial aesthetics.

On average, the results of a BOTOX treatment last for about three to four months. The duration of your results may vary depending on individual factors, such as metabolism, lifestyle, and the areas treated. Regular maintenance appointments can help sustain the results over time, allowing you to revel in your rejuvenated appearance.

Dr. James Young & BOTOX® Cosmetic

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What is the recovery process like?

One of the greatest aspects of a BOTOX treatment is the ease with which it can be done. Since it is non-invasive, you will not experience any downtime. While some individuals might experience minor bruising or swelling at the injection sites, these effects typically subside within a day or two. In most cases, you can resume your daily activities immediately after the procedure, which is why it is such a popular choice for those who are short on time.

Why choose Goldfingers Aesthetics & Plastic Surgery?

Goldfingers Aesthetics & Plastic Surgery in Mount Dora is Florida's unparalleled leader in aesthetic transformations. With over 25 years of unwavering dedication to the art of aesthetics, we stand at the forefront of BOTOX and dermal filler expertise, crafting a narrative of beauty that transcends the ordinary. From BOTOX and Dysport to an array of dermal fillers, our specialist aesthetic injectors are board-certified in plastic surgery and adhere to the rigorous standards of the American Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgery Facilities and the State of Florida. Call us to schedule a consultation today.

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